中国工伤地图由惟工新闻 http://wknews.org制作,展示自2010至2015年中国各地的工伤统计数字,将会随着数据发布不断更新。中国省市数据来自《中国劳动年鉴》、香港数据来自劳工处《职业安全及健康统计数字》、澳门数据来自劳工事务局《工伤统计分析报告》。在过去30年,中国经济因庞大的制造业和建造业而突飞猛进。而这幅地图所显示的,不过是经济奇迹背后众多惨重代价的一种。
The Map of Injured Chinese Workers is prepared by Worker News. It presents the data of work-related injuries in different regions in China. The data of Chinese provinces and cities comes from China Labour Statistical Yearbook. Hong Kong data comes from Occupational Safety and Health Statistics issued by the Labour Department. Macau data comes from Statistical Analysis Report on Occupational Accidents (Relatório de análise estatística relativo aos acidentes de trabalho, only Chinese and Portuguese version available) issued by the Labour Affairs Bureau. In the past 30 years, the huge manufacturing and construction industry brought rapid economic growth in China. This map presents to you one of the most severe consequence of such economic miracle.